Overwriting a function pointer or exception handler that is subsequently executed. 重写随后执行的函数指针或异常处理程序。
Secondly, all errors or unexpected warnings really should be handled by the exception handler. 其次,所有错误或意想不到的警告实际上应该由异常处理程序来处理。
Typical join points in AspectJ include method calls, access to class members, and the execution of exception handler blocks. AspectJ中典型的joinpoint包括方法调用、对类成员的访问以及异常处理程序块的执行。
As mentioned in the previous section, you can code your own exception handler to handle the SQLException. 正如上一节中提到的一样,您可以编写自己的异常处理程序来处理SQLException异常。
If the default handler is set with the latter pair of methods, any thread that doesn't have its own exception handler will use the default. 如果使用第二对方法设置默认处理程序,那么没有自己的异常处理程序的所有线程都将使用默认处理程序。
Always have exceptional handling mechanism for the message flows rather than relying on the default broker exception handler. 始终为消息流配备异常处理机制,而不要依赖缺省代理异常处理程序。
Invoke the log: A business process activity ( generally the exception handler activity) invokes a log API. 调用日志:一个业务流程活动(通常是异常处理活动)激活一个日志API。
Note that the dummy variable declaration has disappeared: you don't need it because you now have an actual statement in the exception handler. 注意,伪变量声明已经没有了:不再需要它是因为现在在异常处理函数中有了实际的语句。
In the exception handler, insert a row into the error log table, recording the time and date, reason code, primary key, and coordinates. 在异常处理函数中,将一行插入错误日志表,这一行记录了时间和日期、原因编码、主键和坐标。
This is as you might expect an exception handler, which will now catch the E739 error that is thrown if mkdir() is unable to create the requested directory. 这就是如您所期待的一个异常处理器,它现在将会捕捉如果mkdir()不能创建请求的目录而被抛出的E739错误。
Because this code is only a sample we don't perform any real error processing, but we do implement a dummy exception handler to allow the code to compile. 由于此代码仅仅作为样例使用,我们没有执行任何实际的错误处理,但是我们实现了一个虚构的异常处理程序,从而完成代码的编译。
Otherwise, a trap occurs for find, and the exception handler emits the standard file not found error. 否则,发生中断以find(查找),并且异常处理程序发出标准的filenotfound(文件未找到)错误。
JPDL allows association of an exception handler with every process node. JPDL中可以为每个流程节点定义异常处理器。
For example, you will see the MDA activated in an attempt to call managed code from inside a vectored exception handler. 例如,在尝试从向量异常处理程序内部调用托管代码时,您将看到该mda被激活了。
The kernel must provide a dedicated exception handler for each exception type. 内核必须为每个异常类型提供专门的异常处理函数。
For some exceptions, the CPU control unit also generates a hardware error code and pushes it on the Kernel Mode stack before starting the exception handler. 对每个异常,CPU控制单元也生成一个硬件错误码,并在开始执行处理函数前将其压入内核空间栈中。
An exception handler is a kind of action handler, which is invoked when exception occurs during the node execution. 异常处理器也是一种action处理器,当节点执行时出现异常,它将会被调用。
Includes the Segment Selector and the offset inside the segment of an interrupt or exception handler. 包含了中断或异常处理函数在段内的段选择子和偏移。
This linker option instructs the linker to include into the output image, a table that contains the address of each exception handler. 此链接器选项指示链接器要包含到输出映像(一个包含各个异常处理程序的地址的表)中。
If no exception handler for a given exception is present, the program stops executing with an error message. 如果给定异常没有异常处理程序,则程序将停止执行,并显示一条错误信息。
This exception handler prints exception information and then transitions to the node specified in the destination variable. 该异常处理器输出异常信息,然后在目的变量中将异常信息过渡到特定的节点。
An exception occurred, and there was no exception handler present. 一个异常发生了,而且没有异常处理程式礼物。
If desired, you can have the exception handler put the CPU into Thumb state via a branch. 如果需要,你可以有异常处理投入Thumb状态的CPU通过一个分支。
But there is a key difference between interrupt handling and process switching: the code executed by an interrupt or by an exception handler is not a process. 然而在中断处理和进程切换之间有一个关键的区别:由中断或异常处理执行的代码不在进程中。
An example of a simple exception handler is presented in in the Appendix. 附录中列举了一个简单的异常处理器的例子。
The last step performed by the control unit is equivalent to a jump to the interrupt or exception handler. 控制单元进行的最后一步等同于跳到中断或异常处理函数。
This situation requires a special exception handler. 这就需要一种特殊的异常处理器。
This descriptor specifies the base address of the segment that includes the interrupt or exception handler. 这个描述符指明了包含中断或异常处理函数的段的基地址。
These values define the logical address of the first instruction of the interrupt or exception handler. 这些值定义了中断或异常处理函数的第一条指令的逻辑地址。
Imagine this scenario: Your application gets an exception, the exception handler kicks in and you have set it up to log to a file. 想象一下这个情形:应用程序发生了一个异常,异常处理跟踪了该异常,并建立了一个日志文件。